Friday, June 29, 2007

What is on your summer reading list?

Dear fellows:
Because I am, as I am sure you all are, voracious readers, I am wondering what you will be reading this summer for your enjoyment. Or what great books you might recomend to the rest of us.

Here's my list:
have read--
The Alchemist by Paolo Cohelo
will read--
Lamb: the Gospel According to Biff by Christopher Moore
Anna Karenina

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Linda Moser recommended I read When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka. I just started it and will probably finish it today.

I think Larry, and maybe Thomas, read this book in a class of hers.

Middlesex is good.

I want to read A Splendid Thousand Suns also. I loved The Kiterunner and heard this was much better.

Finally, there's a new biography of Edith Wharton out and she's one of my favorite authors, so I'm on a mission to find the book.