Monday, November 05, 2007

Ozarks Writing Project

A Writing Marathon of Mythic Proportions!

WHEN: Saturday, November 10, 2007 10a.m. to 2 p.m.

WHERE: Morning kickoff - Mudhouse Coffee and Tea Co.
Sharing and lunch - Springfield Brewing Co.

WHY: Because writing is fun and it matters!

WHO: You and a colleague - or, two, three, four colleagues!

The writer with the most guests wins!

PRE-MARATHON FUN: Are you an early bird? Let me know if you would like to kick start your morning with breakfast, writing and coffee. We will be meeting for breakfast and chit-chat at 7a.m. at Gailey’s Breakfast Cafe and then walking to the Mudhouse for coffee and writing fun until the marathon kicks off at 10a.m.

Please R.S.V.P. for breakfast so Gailey’s employees do not panic when we show up in mass with journals in tow.

For more information: Kelly Anthony-Gratton
Ozarks Technical Community College
417.447.8228 or 417.693.7307 (cell)
Gailey’s Breakfast CafĂ©
220 E. Walnut St.
Springfield MO 65806
Mudhouse Coffee Co.
323 South Ave. #B
Springfield MO 65806
Springfield Brewing Co.
305 South Market Ave
Springfield MO 65806

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Death of a Student...

The day before school started a young mother drove Draco, her 6-year old son, into school for open house. On the way, their car was was struck by another car and before Draco could meet his first grade teacher he was killed instantly.

Three weeks after that, Susan, a prominent 44-year-old woman in our community and mother and step-mother to five kids in my district, was killed in an automobile accident on a rainy morning.

Four weeks after that, a former student, Ryan, (May graduate) was killed in an automobile accident in Springfield.

Last night, three-weeks after Ryan's death, a junior student, Zach, at Willow Springs High School was participating in a National Bullriding Competition in Arkansas. He was thrown off and trampled by the bull. Zach never regained consciousness.

Aside from losing a loved one, I'm not sure there is any greater pain than seeing those I care for and love in pain. I'm posting just to ask you to keep our school in your thoughts. This most recent death will take a huge toll on our teachers and students. I know some of you have been through the death of a student and know it is a tough thing to deal with in the classroom.

Several of my colleagues, never having dealt with the death of a student in their own classroom, will struggle. I've been on the phone this morning with many of them talking them through a variety of ways to handle this and be able to grieve for their own loss. None of us want to lose students, but as I mentioned earlier, we hate the pain death, especially unexpected death, brings to those who are alive.

I wanted and felt comfortable to write this here because I know you are all supporters of teachers. If you have a moment, steer your thoughts to our teachers, students and families who have struggled with death in our district this semester.

Thank you.