What is your plan of action in the fall?Teaching Writing – I will keep teaching. J -except now I will be teaching writing so much better while using all of my new ideas from OWP! There is at least one idea from each demo in my must try folder. I am excited!
Your own writing – I will continue to write proposals for 4Cs and TYCA, but will be adding NCTE and Write to Learn to my list as well. I am pushing myself to publish this year – something I have been afraid of previously. I have three pieces that I am working on with this goal specifically in mind. I am excited!
How will your classroom look differently daily? Weekly? Monthly? My classroom will look much more like Summer Institute – more consistent in our schedule allowing for students to find a routine that will allow for writing surprises but forging foundations for better writing, small writing group work, and a safer writing/sharing environment. Also, my classroom will be messier – stuff on the walls and paint on the fingers! I am excited!
Discuss the process of creating your demo and what you discovered through that process. How will you incorporate your demo in the fall? My demo comes straight from my classroom. It changes every time I do it and changed even this time – thank you for your input. I will be adding the Newsweek article this time and talk about what the media wants us to know today…hmmmm interesting slant I think. I am excited!
What kinds of student writing samples can you collect? I will be collecting everything this year – looking for patterns, inconsistencies – things I can write about as I try new ideas and revise old ones. I want lots of burning questions! I am excited!
How has your writing project experience affected your plan? This summer has rejuvenated me in teaching, learning and writing. I feel confident as I step back into my classroom and out into the writer’s world. I am a writer. I am excited!
How will you use other demonstrations? Please list several demos that you saw that you will integrate into your classroom. The poetry ideas presented this summer by Teri, Hayley, and Laura has changed me as a writer. I tried poetry and love it! I am even willing to write a ton of bad poetry to enjoy it further! How cool! It seems to me that poetry can be used to generate topic ideas, flush out details, and help gain control of emotion when writing personal narratives. I can’t wait to try it and then come in next summer with a demo showing how this works! Woohoo! I am excited!
What is your plan for your own writing? How has your own writing progressed? Describe your writing process and productivity during this institute (as related to freewriting, reformulation, journaling, revisiting pieces, etc.). It took me a little while to get to fluency, but I think I got it! Like my running, I think I had to get to that place of pace, euphoria, the wow-I-feel-good-about-keep-going place. I am in this place with my writing. I hope to write for an hour every day – I feel a need to. I practiced what I preached this summer while writing – there are proposals, letters, fun stuff, freewriting, personal narrative, writing about teaching – all of this in my daily writing. I am excited to keep writing. I am excited!
What do I want to do?
- Participate in small writing group – can I help organize?
- I will help Laura with Fall Retreat – you will find me there
- I am planning on the NWP Annual Meeting and NCTE– already requesting funds
- I will be submitting writing for publishing in professional journals
- I want to learn to write grants.
- I would like to be on a list of consultants who go out and help other teachers/schools with professional development – portfolios, writing-writing-writing, service learning, teacher reflection and change, handling disclosure in the writing of our students/writing as healing (I love this topic).
- I will be participating in my own school’s professional development program – sharing what I am learning through NWP.
- I want to find ways to help promote NWP and OWP.
- I want to find my niche in NWP and immerse myself in it. I have found my professional home! I AM EXCITED!
1 comment:
I love planning too. And I'm not that good at always writing things down and following through...so I love the way you've address answers to the specific questions or topics.
I really hope you work on the publishing aspect. I think you have tackled the presentations... since you've done several of them at big name conferences. Choose the article and journal and start making those adaptions for publication requirements.
I'm anxious to hear results from the shifts you make in your classroom. And as for small writing groups, something we did not have time to do in the Institute was really talk about the dynamics of the SWG. I do SWG in my classroom, but we call them Response Groups. The kids love them and buy into them, but it is after I help them build the dynamics of their group. We do skits in class to discuss what's valuable and what isn't. The groups form team names, giving themselves an identity (This year I had The Jumpdrive Junkies, The ABC's, The Cliffdivers...etc.) These groups then also come up with the procedures they, as a group, want to follow. They make a poster/advertisement with their name, their group members names, and their procedures (which is the politically correct term for rules these days.) These are hung around the classroom for all to see throughout the semester, and we reduce the size for everyone to have a copy in their binder.
So, I know you can't do that probably, in a college class, but I would encourage you to help the SWG progress, because you, like me, will have young writers who will have NO idea what it means to be in a SWG...it's a different ballgame than working with teachers who write.
Refer to the SWG handout, too, but if you need the skits or my discussion prompts, I'd be happy to e-mail them to you.
I love how you will address your classroom this year...looking for new burning questions. Awesome.
I am glad you found the institute useful!! And don't worry...we will USE you and your talents to continue the promotion of the OWP! Keri is very good about putting the right people in the right places to make things happen, and I think she has a great crew to work with now.
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