Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Using Read Alouds to Teach Writing in Genre

Thank you, friends, for being such willing and wonderful participants this afternoon! I know it was out of your comfort zone to join me for reading time "criss cross applesauce, spoons in the bowl" but you gave me your best and I love you for it!

One question today was finding book lists for other fairy tales or other genre in general. Here is a link that will take you to one place to locate such lists. Please post comments if you know of other great links for finding book lists, as I know this was desired by classmates.

You all are amazingly intelligent! Thanks for letting me share with you today!


Laura Burdette said...

thanks for the list Liz. I was very impressed with the demo today. And thanks for posting this link.

I raced home today and, when I saw my daughter (age 7) reading "How Santa Got His Job," I immediately gave her permission to watch the Kris Kringle movie. She drew a venn diagram comparing the two stories. Then we discussed that, since Santa is fictional, what she would write for little kids about how he became! it was cool!@!!

Thanks again!

Unknown said...

First of all...neato Laura...second of all...thanks Liz for a great demo! I can't wait to apply to same concepts to a unit with my creative writing students. And thanks for the link. I'm impressed with your aptitude of blogging since you just started doing this during Barb's bravo to you and Barb.

Also, I think Jenn (our GA) is working on a gothic biblio for middle school and/or high school students.

Keri said...

Ohmigosh, that is so cool! Thank you for the link!