Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Thank you for reminding me...

To colleagues, writers, friends, and all the fascinating faces and voices of the National Writing Project of the Ozarks - THANK YOU!.

This summer's experience is exactly what I have needed - a reminder that I am still a teacher, still excited about sharing what I do, who I am, who my students. I am on a journey to discover that I am not just some overworked workaholic unfortunately incarcerated and drowning in "and duties as assigned." It is time to compartmentalize and remember why I am in the classroom, why I love to learn, and why I love to teach.

I am anxious to know you as teachers, friends, and writers. To eat with you, write with you, share with you. What do you know? I can hardly wait to find out! What do you want from me? Oh, please just ask!



Keri said...

Hi, Kelly,
I've missed talking to you this week. I'm glad everything is going well. I would like to compliment you on your expertise with the link to the NWP site. You are a pro!

Are you coming to the writing retreat in the fall?

Anonymous said...

Of course! I will be there with bells on. The question really is...will you let me help? Kel

Ashlei said...

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

You drive me to be a better teacher.


JCSatz said...

I agree! It's the closest I am going to get this summer to a room of my own. . . JoAnn Satzinger