Wednesday, June 13, 2007

cross curricular writing

I want to comment on the idea that I read yesterday about writing across the various disciplines. What a novel idea! Excuse the sarcastic tone, but wouldn't it be nice if students were actually held accountable for writing in classes besides English. I don't think any school is ever going to get this completely right. Teachers should at least try to come together on some sort of understanding when it comes to emphasizing writing. Of all of the work place skills needed, writing has to be number one.


Full_Frontal_Nerdity said...

Part of the problem is most likely territoriality, at least on the college level. Schools tend to compartmentalize teach math, you teach english, you teach history...and so on. Why? I'm not sure. I know that many teachers are extremely sensitive to "suggestion" or criticism about their teaching style or approach. I think that, after teaching for a bit, we all think we "know better" than the rest. It comes from the act of performing every day! We have a captive audience, and it works for us! I wish many would realize that there are so many cross-intelectual threads in the schools that territoriality should be meaningless. I agree with you!

JCSatz said...

Let's be frank as a fart -- teaching writing is much more difficult and time consuming than passing along facts. . . JoAnn Satzinger

Ashlei said...

Also, grading writing is very difficult.