Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Blogging the Summer Institute: An Invitation

I have some exciting news! The National Writing Project asked the Ozarks Writing Project to present at one of its Annual Meeting sessions in San Antonio. The session will be called Blogging the Summer Institute. Our blogging has been noticed, and we, along with sites in Maya West Writing Project in Puerto Rico and the Hudson Valley Writing Project in New York will present during the session. When I get a link to their blogs, I'll put them on here.

Here's the rough draft description of the session we'll be involved in:

Why blog your Summer Institute? In this session, participants will have an opportunity to hear from sites that have taken the step of making aspects of their Summer Institute public via weblogs. The session facilitators will discuss the reasons why their sites chose to take this step, how they incorporated the use of a blog into their summer institutes, and what they learned from that work. Participants will then engage in conversations to identify the ways in which their sites might find blogging useful as a tool for publishing, communication and the development of community.

As many of you know, I've been thinking about blogging in the context of education for awhile, but we have many committed bloggers at our site. We like our blogs, and I think this invitation to present is quite an honor!

Does anyone have any thoughts about the blog that they would like for us to share at the Annual Meeting? Please comment.


Unknown said...

The OWP blog was my first experience blogging. I was intimidated when first asked to post a blog about a teaching demo idea and another about a reading response. It seemed risky to put myself, through my ideas and my writing, out there, but it wasn't long before I started to feel comfortable as more people responded and posted their reflections and reactions. I think that blogging prior to the start of the summer institute helped me begin to feel a part of what I would soon realize to be my writing community. Blogging also helped me begin to overcome my fear of sharing my writing, which is a huge part of the summer institute with small writing groups.

Keri said...
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Keri said...

Thanks for posting, Kathy. You know, I really should have had everyone post their minutes to the blog. What was I thinking?!

You will now be officially quoted in San Antonio!

Anonymous said...

Keri - How exciting to be asked to present! Hurray!

Keri said...

Thanks, Juanita. I hear you have Larry coming to Columbia to talk about blogging. You have also been "referenced" in the summer institute by Sharolette Pendergrass and Katrina Tiller. Remember them? I'm sure you do. Hope the SI is going well. Miss you.

Anonymous said...

KF - Miss you, too. The first week of our institute has passed and it's been wonderful, as it always is.

Of course I remember Sharolette and Katrina, fabulous teachers from Southern Missouri. They stuck out the literacy academy with us -- Barri, Heather and me. Love those girls.

Larry's coming up the week he gets back from NYC to help our participants think about how to use some Web 2.0 apps in their classrooms. I hope to have them more comfortable with the technology-as-a-tool issue by then.
