Thursday, June 21, 2007

Who knew. . .

. . . I would be leaving at 4:00 a.m. to drive to Wichita and missing our Friday writing project. We just got a call from our younger son Kevin, who is competing at the NFL (speech) nationals and is in the finals of what I can best figure is a consolation or secondary round. Nonetheless, it is a big deal, and I just can't stand to let John go without me. I have so much mommy-guilt as it is, and these things are once-in-a-lifetime. We NEVER get to see Kevin perform (it's just "not done") but the finals are "public," in an auditorium at some convention center. I'll be thinking of all of you, and I honestly feel that tug in my stomach at the thought of missing out on tomorrow with you. I spoke to Keri, who graciously supported me in gotta-d0-what-you-gotta-do, but it still feels funny. I've just posted this week's piece to our e-anthology, and I look forward to catching up with you there this weekend.


Laura Burdette said...

it's strange that we, as teachers who know the importance of parental involvement in children's lives and preach the parental doctrine so frequently to others, often feel the most conflicted when shirking "responsibilities" for our children.


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful adventure!

Liz Salchow said...

You know where you need to be, and while we will miss you, we understand. Love you muchly!

Ms. James said...

Have a blast, JoAnn. I'll be thinking of you.

shel said...

Good God! Don't feel that bad, glad you went....

Hope Kevin does great and you guys have a nice time.

Miss you - they showed our movie today and your acting was wonderful.


Unknown said...

Can't wait to hear the results. We missed you...but we all want your autograph for your fabulous performance in "Missing." :)

Hayley Fraser said...

Wow, Laura's comment makes so much sense. You HAD to go and I hope it went well.