Monday, June 18, 2007

OK OK Maybe a Little Professionalism is in Order

I want to apologize to everyone for openly whining today about the research involved for these demos. I am truly grateful for the feedback I received from my SWG. Thanks ladies! Keri's glancing my direction and dropping the word professionalism has redirected my thinking. I realize now how researching for my demonstration will help develop me professionally. The fuss I made was unwarranted. I shall now invoke the 11th commandment "Thou shalt not whine!" I post this on my white board every Friday for my students. So, I should follow my own rules.

The above pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago at Hampton Beach, NH. I went to the beach to catch the morning sunrise, which happens around 4:45 a.m. I filmed some spectacular footage of the sunrise. I did not realize it only takes about 4 minutes for the sun to rise. I would like to invite anyone who reads this to take 6 minutes out of their life and follow this link:

Sunrise Video

Comments on the video would be appreciated.


Ms. James said...

Wow, Larry! Your video is awesome. I wish I knew how to upload to U Tube. Thanks for the link. Your audio is just as beautiful as the visual portion of the video...definately, you are a professional. I though you were just grousing about the time factor with regard to the research...not the value...right? You are a good sport!

Mr. Neuburger said...

I think you are right on Barb. My wife kept asking me what was wrong yesterday evening. I realized it was the time pressure of getting an absolutely perfect demo ready. I need to just do it and quit worrying about it. Glad you enjoyed the video. Uploading to youtube is simple. Getting the videos into the right size prior to uploading is the only tricky part. I would be happy to show you. Thanx for the comment.

Keri said...

I really want to know how to post things to the blog. Can we post our tapes from your demo tomorrow?

I love your video and the sound of the waves.

Don't apologize. I think you are great. Yesterday, while I was in Columbia, I talked to Juanita, and she said her first institute, she thought,"Research? What's it matter?" But, she slowly changed and saw the importance. I think research is what has made the NWP last. I just to do great and fun assignments, but one day I started discovering how what I did was related to research and theory that came way before me. I thought that was really neat, and it opened my eyes to best practices. There are common ideas and strategies that do work.

Anyway, I think your the best, and I'm glad you're hear and I'm excited for tomorrow.


JCSatz said...

Dear Larry --

What a peaceful interlude -- thank you! I took a nap between class and homework, and I thought I'd start with your video. I was expecting some sort of "wacky" video. . .not sure why : ).

As I've, um, mentioned, I've not seen many sunrises over the ocean, and the experience now strikes me as sooo different from the experience of sunsets. I can't quite say why or how, but perhaps this explains significant differences between dwellers on the two coasts??

I also have a question for you. When the sun sets, just as it disappears, there is a bright, green flash. If you blink, you miss it, and seeing it is somehow quite satisfying -- an "aha" moment shared with nature. Is there a similar phenomenon related to sunrise? I couldn't see in the video, stare as I might.

I, too, loved the sound. Since I learned how to control the volume on my computer (today, duh, thanks Liz), I played with it a bit. It was quite interesting, and I recommend that as an "extension or variation" : ).

Thanks for all you've shared!

Liz Salchow said...

Larry, the sunrise was fabulous, thanks for posting it to view. Please show me how to upload to youtube also, if you would.

Our SWG is a family and we are here to listen and support. I'm just glad you trust us enough to do that. I am looking forward to your demo. You are so creative!

Love ya muchly,

Susan M&M said...

Larry, What beautiful footage. Two memories arise. The first is JoAnn's demo yesterday and her discussing sunsets on the west coast v. sunrises on the east. Being a landlocked Missourian, I never thought of this particular persoective. I just thought the sun rose and set in my own little state. The second involves the three beams reflectyed on the ocean. I think of the peace sign that so dominated my 60's "hippie" days. Maybe that sign should appear again??? Thank you for the memories and the soothing water sounds.

Susan M&M said...

P.S. Forgive the typos!

Laura Burdette said...

This video reminded me of the butterfly nets we purchased in Florida so that my girls and I, while dad slept in, could sneak out of the condo and search for dungenous crab in the rough-housing surf that wrestled us to the sand repeated for the three count.

I agree with JoAnn that truly experiencing nature--feeling the temperature warm as the sun emerges, eavesdropping on the birds that stagger in rhythm to the climbing tide, cheering for the pelican who belly flops on the water for breakfast--changes a person.

Thanks for sharing the memory.


shel said...

Larry, great job bringing that to us. Very beautiful - I admire you and your quest for integrating video into the lives of your students. I know what goes into learning it and making it easy for them to use, so that they do not get lost in the process and are able to focus on the content.

The easy 30 min video lesson will be one I use 2 or 3 times this year as a great break when I see my students need some shaking up. I might consider letting them take one of their pieces and develop it into a feature work they get to add all the bells and whistles to, ya know?

Let me know what other types of projects you will be working on.

take care,


Anonymous said...

Dear Larry

As a student, I was excited, but a little intimidated by the technology. I think I would have followed directions (writing a script) better if I had not seen all the toys strewn about ready to play.

As a teacher, I am intrigued, but a little initimidated by the logistics of such a project. I will need to explore this further to find a comfort zone.

You promoted best practices as we drew on our previous knowledge and worked toward thinking about what we would have done differently if the opportunity of editing had existed.

In my classroom, I think I would start a bit smaller allowing students to become familiar and comfortable with their equipment - maybe so that they could become even more creative.

Great demo! Thanks!


P.S. If I knew how to change this text to pink, I would!

Ashlei said...


I loved your demo. We had so much fun putting together the video. As a student, I had a blast, was intimidate, but worked it out. Struggle is good for us. As a teacher, I immediately thought of all the logistical problems of getting all that equipment, software, etc. together. Then, I decided that wasn't fair. If I were you and had access to all that stuff, I would be so encouraged to let my students do this project.

You asked for help, suggestions. Mine are simple. I needed more planning and writing time. I know that the demo time constricted what you could give us, but in the classroom, I would devote at least one or two class periods to planning and drafting the script.

I think this idea is really great. I wish I could be in your class, Larry.

Hayley Fraser said...

Your video transported me and I was on the beach in Mexico with my husband and absolutely nothing to favorite vacation spot, partner and activity. I've also never seen a sunrise over the ocean, but the sound of the waves and your word choices rang true for me. I would like to do something like this with my classes and hope we can continue to collaborate. Of course you are a professional and so tech-savvy. I kind of thought your grumbling about the research was just you making us women (who love it so) in your group laugh. I had absolutely no doubts that you do your job with passion and professionalism. Thanks for all your support these past couple of weeks.