Sunday, June 08, 2008

Cameron Response

Cameron's writing, her voice, her terminology brings to mind certain individuals that I do not wish any ill will towards. In fact I hope they find the happiness and contenment they have been faking for years now; however, if I never see these people again, I will have no regrets or feelings of loss. Since, when I read her words, I hear these people reading them, my writings have all been colored by my relationships with these individuals.

Right to Write / The Writing Life
So I thought she was using the word metabolize improperly so I looked it up in the dictionary and found that it refers to protoplasmic change in cells and refers to changes in physical life forms-so I am 55- overweight- balding- tired- own too much stuff- need to clean my house- weed the yard- ride my bike- edit Don and Sondra’s book- write a letter- prepare lesson plans- take a photograph- tone hundreds of photographs- organze them- organize my life- and she wants me write about protoplasmic changes in my cells. Why? She didn’t write about those things. Her prompts have nothing to do with those things. So why is it that I am supposed to write about those things? Actually what she wants- what it seems so many people want this day and time is for all of us to get in touch with ourselves. Excuse me! I live with myself 24/7. I am tired of self-help bull. It is time to quit self-helping and get on with living. That is why I dropped the weekly book study- it went from novels and biographies to self help- and all this stuff these books want me to get in touch with usually just rips open old wounds that are healing nicely- so no thank you Ms. Cameron- I don’t need a biology course, and I don’t need any more spiritual healing. I need to do something constructive instead of analyzing everything to death- sorry but today I don’t have a burning need to write. I have a burning need to live.


1 comment:

Kim said...

You didn't need to apologize. It was actually funny to me that I logged in this morning to post my writing and then read your interpretation of the same prompt. I do find Cameron somewhat self-aggrandizing, and many of the prompts haven't been helpful for me. Some, though, have, including this "metabolizing" one. One of my favorite things about writing is that we all do it so differently. What works for one of us frustrates and bogs down another. I guess if nothing else it's a good reminder for me that I should keep that in mind with my own students as well. I can't teach apples and oranges in the same way and with the same prompts.