Friday, May 09, 2008

Demo Ideas

I am considering a couple of ideas for the demo teaching. I am interested in lessons about the reader-writer connection. From Kim's demo I realized how important having segments of various activities and transitions are to the demo lesson. A reader-writer lesson would allow for segments of reading, which provide models, graphic organizer activities based on the reading, which link to the writing, and chunks of time for writing and responding. I also loved how Kim provided a concrete reminder of the lesson (the cupcake) at the end. Another idea I am interested in is that of grammar in the context of writing. One method for this is called brush strokes or image grammar. I've been in a classroom where the English teacher was using this, and her students produced detailed and beautifully descriptive pieces of writing using action verbs, absolutes, appositives, adjectives, and participles. I also would explore writing responses to non-print text such as art or film.

1 comment:

Mr. Neuburger said...

Teaching grammar is one of my weak areas. I always welcome ideas on how to do it effectively. If you can get me to remember what an appositive is, you will have definitely done your job well! I have also seen demos that explore responses to non-print text. These types of demos are always received well.