Sunday, May 18, 2008

Demo Idea

First, I’d like to say that I’m very excited about being a part of the Ozark’s Writing Project. I have been reading the blogs others have submitted about possible demos and are looking forward to the exchange of ideas.

For my demo, I would like to borrow a lesson developed by Erin Lassiter from San Diego, CA. The lesson promotes the understanding of personification through reading and responding to classic poetry.


Mr. Neuburger said...

I'm glad you are a part of this summer's events. I haven't heard of Lassiter, but anything to help me with teaching classic poetry will be helpful.

Keri said...

I'm curious Sharolette. Can you share a bit more?

Sharolette said...

Offering students the opportunity to read and discuss classic poetry has been a wonderful way for my students to grasp figurative language. I found the lesson at It is one of my most favorite web resources. In the lesson developed by Erin Lassiter, students learn about personification by reading and discussing poems by great authors. Then they use the poems as a guide to brainstorm lists of nouns and verbs. They then use those to create their own poems showing personification. My fifth grade students really enjoyed the lesson.

KTillery said...

I think I remember when you did this in your classroom. I will be excited to see it in person. My idea for this summer is also one borrowed form another. I would realy like to present the lesson entitled "Monsters" that Barri Bumgarner presented during the lieracy academy. I am sure you remember the emotion we felt when forced to confront the monsters in our lives. I can remember the healing that began for me as I wrote my monster that letter. It continued when I later shared that with my students as I taught the lesson. I added to her original lesson and had my studens write a peace of poetry. It was the final products of the poetry that make me so eager to share this lesson.