Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Holiday Greetings

Happy Holidays...Happy Holidays...Happy Holidays...Happy Holidays

I hope that the holiday is not overshadowed by last minute shopping, long checkout lines, and grading the projects that you probably intentionally scheduled for the two week grading window.

Instead, I hope that each of you has an opportunity to relish time with family and to reflect on the previous year as you prepare for the next.

oh, and I hope that you get a chance to place a post here and let us know how you're doing...



tmmaerke said...

Laura and all,
I've made my way back down home to New Orleans. Things seem to be going well here. I've painted my parents garage, gone shopping with my brother, survived a family brawl, watched quite a bit of EPL soccer, and enjoyed truly good food.
When it comes to school, I've finally received my computers from eMINTS, and have put them to use with the students laying text on top of pictures and saving them as jpegs in order to create multimedia (kinda) poetry. It should be interesting. We don't use my blog so much anymore; usually I just use it for what is going on in class and to showcase pictures of the students. We are using a program called NiceNet now, which is similar to a Moodle site or Blackboard.
Well, I think that is enough. Since I see no one else has posted, I guess I'm doing this only as wishful thinking. I'm with Laura though; I want to know how you're all doing.

Mr. Mythology said...

Well, as for me...
Speaking of blogs, I started a mythology blog, which I think you can see if you click on my name, but it fell by the wayside. My school has two computer labs for ninety teachers, so during the last half of the semester I couldn't get into either one.

Thanks to Casey on January 2nd, I'm going to be presenting at the PD day for Willow Springs Schools (my alma mater) on Readers Theatre. This will probably be an unsuccessful and nerve-wracking experience, but at least I'll get to see some of my old teachers (as they sit in the audience and watch me sweat).

That's about it.


tmmaerke said...

Zak, I also see that you're doing Write to Learn. I can't wait until you get famous and I can tell people that I took classes with you. I do want to let you know that I have been lauding you around Springfield, and I happen to know that at least two teachers at Glendale are using Trickle Down, Olympus as part of their mythology units. That makes me so stinking happy knowing that.

Unknown said...
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Mr. Mythology said...

Wow! Thanks for doing that.
I appreciate it.