Monday, July 02, 2007


If you sing it to the Mickey Mouse Club song, you might find it funny.
Well, after three weeks of parking in various illegal spots around campus, and not once getting a ticket, I returned today to a conveniently close spot near the library, where I would finish up some thoughts, print some necessary documents, and check-out a few more books. After spending 4 hours in the library, working at my own pace, which is just so lovely to do, I returned to my car to find a ticket politely tucked under the driver side windshield wiper. There's something poetic about this, but I don't quite have the skills yet to express it.
Thanks for dealing with me for three long weeks; I've learned much, and really that's all that counts.


Unknown said...

ohhh. That does suck.

But I had some good sushi for lunch on Monday at Ocean Zen if that makes you feel any better. :)

Maybe you can come up with a great excuse to not pay the ticket...too bad it wasn't raining.

Laura Burdette said...

I survived without being ticketed during the OWP, however, since leaving the project, I've received a hundred dollar ticket from a state trooper for driving on 2006 tags (how does anyone let their tags lapse an entire year). Later, this week, I was driving through the parking lot of the Library Center and someone backed out into me (Lane reminded me, "Don't be mad, Mom, just be glad that it was a non injury accident.") A person has been in too many wrecks when the 7 year old starts referring to them as "non injury accidents"!!! UGH!!

I feel your pain!!

Unknown said...

Laura...wasn't it you who wrote about your average of "two" wrecks a year.


You need to be careful!!! :) Maybe it's a good thing both you and Hayley have little ones who keep try to protect you. :)

tmmaerke said...

Libraries are dangerous places. Your sucky definitely beats my sucky. It is good that it was a "non injury accident." Is that the police term? or medical term?

Anonymous said...

Monday was fine for me. Tuesday, well that is a story to tell at another time. We are struggling with unscrupulous (Where is spellcheck when I need it?) landlord, lordy, lordy...send good house vibes please!


Laura Burdette said...


Good house vibes, good house vibes, good house vibes!!! I'm sending them...but, with my luck, I'm not sure how much help I'll really be???


Ms. James said...

Oh, I got a ticket, too, but it was really ridiculous...not that they aren't all ridiculous. The sign that divided the yellow lot (ours) from the next one over was posted behind the tree I parked in front of...but I don't think I have any fight in me...Oh, well, it does suck!