Friday, April 03, 2009

Saturday Seminar -- April 4th, 2009

On Saturday, April 4th, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., the Ozarks Writing Project will host a Saturday Seminar focused on "Community Inquiry as a Springboard for Writing". OWP Teacher-Consultants Kim Piddington and Kim Witt will share how they incorporated writing projects based on their urban and rural communities.

Whether you teach kindergarten or college seniors, you will take away ideas that you can use for your classrooms on Monday.

The meeting will take place in Pummill Hall 308. .

Parking will be free on Saturday. You may wish to park in Lot 22 or Lot 24.

Registration is $20. However, any TC who brings a guest(s) with them will be admitted for free! Also, you might encourage your guest to see if his/her school district is willing to pay their $20 registration fee…a bargain for such quality professional development, and participatory certificates are given for attending. I am looking forward to seeing you. Please let me know if you plan on attending and have not already contacted me. We would love to see you there!

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