Sunday, August 03, 2008

MWPN retreat reflection

More notes from MWPN
Don't forget to mention that Liz wrote poetry and read an "I am from" poem, written during a writing marathon, in front of an audience of more than forty people, most of whom she did not know. I'd tell you that it was really good and that I especially liked the line about the wig on the faceless plastic head (I'm paraphrasing of course), but I can't say that; so, I'll just say, "thank you for sharing, Liz."
Also, Thomas and Larry's presentation, based on their visit to NY, examined the teaching of the holocaust and gave me goose bumps. Even those who don't teach The Chosen or Anne Frank or Night or any other text related to this topic will benefit from and should consider attending their upcoming Saturday Seminar.
I benefited also from the conversations over lunch or dinner and found myself scribbling notes in my journal for next school year.
It aways amazes me to attend this annual event...

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