Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tentative Demo Idea

As a fairly new teacher, I don't feel like I'm an "expert" at anything yet. That being said, I'm thinking of presenting the benefits of writing memoirs to discover student voice. It's an assignment that could be modified to all grade levels, and I think it will allow for lots of interaction during the demo. I'm just afraid my idea seems vague. I suppose that will get sketched out as I get into the research.


Sharolette said...

Wonderful! I was looking for new ideas to help students find their writing voice. I’m looking forward to your demo.

Mr. Neuburger said...

I love writing from my personal experience. Almost all of my personal writing comes from my personal experience. Some of the writings are narrative form and some are poetry. I do find it easier to write in my voice when writing from personal experience.

Laura Burdette said...

Sometimes its harder to think about what applies to all grade levels. It might be better to concentrate on the grade level that you teach. Usually in the discussion that follows a demonstration participants discuss adaptations and modifications that can be made to adjust the project to fit within the curricular needs and student ability levels...