Monday, March 17, 2008

Larry and Thomas chosen for NWP Holocaust Seminar

Keri sent the following e-mail out...but I also wanted to post it on the blog.

I have great news! Larry Neuburger, Miller High School, and Thomas Maerke, Pleasant View Middle School, both 2008 Ozarks Writing Project Teacher-Consultants, were selected to participate for this summer's National Writing Project Holocaust Seminar in Washington, D.C., led by Dr. Sondra Perl. The seminar is sponsored by the Memorial Library and by Lehman College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. They will go to New York City from July 7–19, 2008.

The Holocaust Educators Network in partnership with the National Writing Project announces 20 fellowships for NWP teacher-consultants in the Rural Sites Network to attend the Memorial Library Summer Seminar on Holocaust Education in New York City.

From the website: "Using an inquiry-based approach, this program will encourage teachers to think creatively and collaboratively about methods and approaches to teaching the Holocaust. The seminar will consider how we engage students with difficult material such as hatred, prejudice, and state-sanctioned genocide, and how writing, dialogue, and inquiry can help us develop empathy and move us toward action. While the focus is on the Holocaust, attention will also be given to more recent genocides."

Larry and Thomas will return and present in-services for our site and for area schools.

This is an amazing opportunity for them, and it is an honor for teachers to be accepted into the program. This experience will benefit Thomas and Larry professionally, and it will benefit their future students, our site, and our community.

Please tell them congratulations when you see them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

