Thursday, February 21, 2008

Four TC's present at Write to Learn

Hey everyone...another SNOW DAY (or as my students put it "a SN'ICE Day") in the Ozarks. Well, I should clarify...for everyone but SPS? :)

I just wanted to post a few pics from Write to Learn, held last weekend at Tan-Tar-A. Liz presented "Bringing the Magic Back to Writing." (Remember Smokey Mtn. Rose??:) Barb presented information about safety with her online community; and Zak presented his Readers' Theatre information. I presented on Senior Projects, something I can't stop talking about.

The MWPN/MATE reception was held at 4:30 and we couldn't resist a little Writing Project fun. Seems our newest MWPN site (the OZARKS WRITING PROJECT) was out making waves with conference participants. Joe, Liz, and Larry spent a lot of their time
recruiting and talking to everyone they could grab about the WP. And when I say "grab", I mean GRAB! They were pulling people into the booth left and right. I think they had a system: Liz would grab and hug and pass to Larry; Larry would talk "heart to heart/teacher to teacher" that the WP would change your life and then he'd pass off to Joe, who amazingly enough, stuffed pens, flyers, brochures, and other handouts into their already full arms. So for their love and dedication, we awarded the three of them with small tokens of appreciation and the MWPN Spirit Awards! (Thank God for construction paper and markers!) :)

Also, Julie, Larry, and Joe read at open mic...which I hear was a wonderous success.

1 comment:

Mr. Mythology said...

It definitely was an experience presenting there! And apparently something was wrong with my legs during the conference. I look like I'm wearing Hammer pants in that picture--or maybe my legs fused together at the knee. Haha. It was fun.
