Monday, July 16, 2007

Art and Writing

As I tooled around on the internet looking for neat ideas, I came across two items which link to Shelly's demo, but also open up a wide range of possibilities of using art within the writing classroom.
Here is me sharing:
J. Paul Getty Musuem lesson plans
The Walters Art Museum art through the ages
I imagine there are many more resources out there, and many that might have better ideas, but in the time I spent searching, the Getty Museum had some neat stuff.

Peace in the Middle East

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the resources. I really like the first one and hope to use it and pass it along...there's great stuff there for many disciplines.

I also like that the Walter's site used The Mysteries of Harris Burdick as a resource. I might have to look into that a little deeper. My students love writing with that book.